Cuttack boy Nilsu Pattnayak emerged champion in the IMT All-Odisha Open School Chess Tournament, garnering 8.5 points out of a possible nine at IMT Pharmacy College in Puri today. Om Mishra (Khurda) and Yasoman Patro (Puri) finished second and third with eight and seven points respectively.
Altogether 104 players from seven districts participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised by District Chess Association of Puri. Local MLA Maheswar Mohanty handed over the prizes at the closing function.
Dr Badrinath Pattnaik, International Xavier Group of Schools; Dr. Biswanath Rath, Chairman, IMT Pharmacy College, DCAP secretary Subhash Ch Sahoo and chief arbiter Suresh Chandra Sahoo were present on the occasion.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Pattnayak Nilsu (8.5), 2. Om Mishra (8), 3. Yasoman Patro (7), 4. Sarthak Debata (6.5), 5. Swaraj Sanket Mohanty (6.5), 6. Ankush SAhoo (6.5), 7. Rudranarayan (6.5), 8. Sourav Srikshetra Nanda (6.5), 9. Sangram Keshari Sahoo (6.5), 10. Shree Sanyog Rath (6.5).
PHOTO: Champion Nilsu Pattnayak and runner-up Om Mishra with their trophies in Puri on August 30, 2015.